Java adalah sebuah bahasa pemrograman komputer berbasiskan kepada Object Oriented Programming yang sederhana dan tidak tergantung pada berbagai platform Sistem Operasi. Java diciptakan setelah C++ dan didesain sedemikian sehingga ukurannya kecil, sederhana, dan portable (dapat dipindah-pindahkan di antara bermacam platform dan sistem operasi).
Program yang dihasilkan dengan bahasa Java dapat berupa applet (aplikasi kecil yang jalan di atas web browser) maupun berupa aplikasi mandiri yang dijalankan dengan program Java Interpreter. Bahasa ini dikembangkan oleh Sun Microsystem Corp. dan memiliki banyak keunggulan, seperti sederhana, berorientasi object, mendukung pemakaian terdistribusi, baik dalam jaringan maupun Internet, selain itu juga bersifat open system.Tingkat performasi dari sistem yang dihasilkan juga optimal.
Pemrograman Java banyak dikembangkan untuk pengembangan situs web yang aman dan interaktif. Disamping itu dengan memakai bahasa pemrograman ini, kita dapat memasukkan berbagai macam program aplikasi animasi, multimedia, dan database ke dalam situs web. Itulah mengapa Java menjadi sangat populer dan banyak digunakan oleh para pengembang sistem maupun Web Developer.
Java was a programming language of the computer based to Object Oriented Programming that was simple and did not depend on various Operasi System platforms. Java was created after C++ and was designed, so its measurement was small, simple, and portable (could be moved between various platforms and the operation system).
The program that was produced with the Java language can be applet (the small application that the road above web browser) and took the form of the independent application that was undertaken with the Java Interpreter program. This language was developed by the Kiss of Microsystem Corp. and had many superiority, like simple, oriented object, supported the use distributed, both in the network and the Internet, moreover also was open system.Performa from the system that was produced also optimal.
The Java programming was often developed for the development of the site web that was safe and interactive. By that by using this programming language, we could put various sorts of the application program animasi, multimedia, and database into the site web. So why Java became very popular and often was used by the system developers and Web Developer.
Program yang dihasilkan dengan bahasa Java dapat berupa applet (aplikasi kecil yang jalan di atas web browser) maupun berupa aplikasi mandiri yang dijalankan dengan program Java Interpreter. Bahasa ini dikembangkan oleh Sun Microsystem Corp. dan memiliki banyak keunggulan, seperti sederhana, berorientasi object, mendukung pemakaian terdistribusi, baik dalam jaringan maupun Internet, selain itu juga bersifat open system.Tingkat performasi dari sistem yang dihasilkan juga optimal.
Pemrograman Java banyak dikembangkan untuk pengembangan situs web yang aman dan interaktif. Disamping itu dengan memakai bahasa pemrograman ini, kita dapat memasukkan berbagai macam program aplikasi animasi, multimedia, dan database ke dalam situs web. Itulah mengapa Java menjadi sangat populer dan banyak digunakan oleh para pengembang sistem maupun Web Developer.
Java was a programming language of the computer based to Object Oriented Programming that was simple and did not depend on various Operasi System platforms. Java was created after C++ and was designed, so its measurement was small, simple, and portable (could be moved between various platforms and the operation system).
The program that was produced with the Java language can be applet (the small application that the road above web browser) and took the form of the independent application that was undertaken with the Java Interpreter program. This language was developed by the Kiss of Microsystem Corp. and had many superiority, like simple, oriented object, supported the use distributed, both in the network and the Internet, moreover also was open system.Performa from the system that was produced also optimal.
The Java programming was often developed for the development of the site web that was safe and interactive. By that by using this programming language, we could put various sorts of the application program animasi, multimedia, and database into the site web. So why Java became very popular and often was used by the system developers and Web Developer.
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